CEE Professor Roman Stocker Seeks Creative Climate Change Opinions and Ideas
As chair of the Committee on the MIT Climate Change Conversation, Professor Roman Stocker recently summarized the committee’s charge, its progress to date, and its next steps. “The premise of the committee is that the complexity of the problem is uniquely suited for MIT, given our strong problem-solving ethos, and that a leading technical institution can have unique roles to play in responding to the climate crisis,” he told the MIT News Office. Regarding an upcoming Idea Bank and a survey to solicit opinions, he said, “We will particularly welcome bold, creative ideas, because we feel that the spectrum of options for action available to a leading technical institution has not been fully explored to date.” Read the MIT News Office story: https://mv-ezproxy-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/2014/3-questions-roman-stocker-mit-climate-change-conversation-1020