The third annual Civil and Environmental Engineering Kids Camp provides STEM education to youth In August more than 30 kids took over the halls of MIT’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) to live up […]
The third annual Civil and Environmental Engineering Kids Camp provides STEM education to youth In August more than 30 kids took over the halls of MIT’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) to live up […]
[fusion_text]“How can we reduce the environmental damage that agriculture so often causes and support the livelihood of farmers, all while continuing to feed the growing world population?” This question was central to the winning entry at […]
[fusion_text]Professor Lydia Bourouiba was featured in the Fall 2016 edition of MIT Spectrum, Data and Health. Along with appearing on Spotlight and the inside-cover of the publication, Professor Bourouiba was featured in the article “Leading with Data” for her […]
[fusion_text]In November 2016, Gilbert W. Winslow CD Associate Professor Pedro Reis invited Mugaritz chef Andoni Luis Aduriz to speak on a panel about creativity at MIT. The panel included professors from CEE, MechE, Architecture, Math and […]
[fusion_text]Seven graduate students presented their research at the Water and Food Security Symposium, an event hosted by CEE and J-WAFS. The event consisted of brief presentations by the students, followed by a Q&A and networking session. […]
[fusion_text]CEE doctoral student Gang Seob Jung, Min Jeong Kang MEng ’16, research scientist Zhao Qin and McAfee Professor of Engineering and Department Head Markus Buehler have designed a sponge-like material that is both strong and lightweight, […]
JR East Professor of Engineering Ali Jadbabaie was recently profiled on MIT News for his research on large-scale systems and his path to MIT. Jadbabaie joined the CEE faculty in July and also serves as the […]
[fusion_text]Professor Lydia Bourouiba was featured in the Fall 2016 edition of MIT Spectrum, Data and Health. Along with appearing on Spotlight and the inside-cover of the publication, Professor Bourouiba was featured in the article “Leading with Data” for her […]
[fusion_text]Postdoctoral fellow Gabriel Isaacman-VanWertz is the recipient of the 2016 Sheldon K. Friedlander Award from the American Association of Aerosol Research (AAAR). The award honors an individual who has earned a doctoral degree for an outstanding […]
[fusion_text]Professor Oral Buyukozturk and postdoc Hao Sun teamed up with professor Nafi Toksöz and postdoc Aurélien Mordret, both of the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS), to create a computational model that utilizes ambient […]
[fusion_text]When I was a refugee, education gave me hope. As a professor, I want to return the favor. When I was a teenager in 1992 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, war broke out and changed everything. Our […]
Billy Ndengeyingoma’s time at MIT has been marked by transitions. He has moved from one continent to another, from an undergraduate program to a master’s, and from a civil engineering specialty to urban planning. Yet no […]
[fusion_text]MIT, AMS Institute will collaborate to solve complex urban problems for Amsterdam with the development of autonomous “roboats.” MIT has signed an agreement to engage in research collaborations with the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions […]
[fusion_text]Innovators from many sectors to tackle issues involving the digital economy, education, and more. How can the benefits of the digital economy be shared more broadly? How can recent technological advances — from algorithms to apps, […]
[fusion_text]MultiScale Material Science for Energy and Environment research partnership could reduce the carbon footprint of materials such as concrete. MIT President L. Rafael Reif joined a high-level delegation of French officials at MIT on Friday to […]