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Andrew Whittle

Andrew Whittle


  • B.Sc. 1981, Imperial College of Science and Technology
  • Sc.D. 1987, MIT

Research Interests

  • Geotechnical engineering
  • Constitutive models for geomaterials
  • Analysis methods for foundations
  • Excavations and tunnels
  • In situ test methods and ground improvement
  • Field monitoring and sensor networks

Teaching Interests

  • 1.031 Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering
  • 1.364 Advanced Geotechnical Engineering
  • 1.351 Theoretical Soil Mechanics
  • 1.322 Soil Behavior

Awards and Honors

  • National Academy of Engineering (2010)
  • ASCE Thomas A. Middlebrooks Award (1997, 2002, 2005)
  • ASCE Walter L. Huber Research Prize (1998)
  • ASCE James R. Croes Medal (1994)
  • ASCE Arthur Casagrande Professional Development Award (1994)
  • John F. Kennedy Memorial Scholarship, U.K. (1982-1984)
  • A.W.Skempton Prize for Soil Mechanics, Imperial College (1981)

Selected Publications


  1. Yuan, Y.X., & Whittle, A.J. (2018) “A novel elasto-viscoplastic formulation for compression behavior of clays,” Géotechnique, 68(12), 1044-1055
  2. Zymnis, D., Whittle, A.J., & Germaine, J.T. (2018) “Measurement of temperature-dependent bound water in clays,” ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, DOI:10.1520/GTJ20170012.
  3. Pei, J., Einstein, H.H. & Whittle, A.J. (2018) “The normal stress space and its application to constructing a new anisotropic failure criterion for geomaterials,” International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 106, 364-373.
  4. Zymnis, D., Cheng, X. & Whittle, A.J. (2018) “Investigation of Long-Term Thermo-Mechanical Response of Clay using the TTS Model,” Acta Geotechnica, 14 (2), 295-311,
  5. Sufian, A., Russell, A.R. & Whittle, A.J. (2019) “Evolving pore orientation , shape and size in sheared granular assemblies,” Granular Matter, 21(4),
  6. Vytiniotis, A., Panagiotidou, A.I. & Whittle, A.J. (2019) “Analysis of seismic response and damage for a pile supported wharf structure,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 119, 4, 21-35.
  7. Zhu, H., Whittle, A.J., Pellenq, R.J.M., & Ioannidou, K., (2019) “Mesoscale simulation of aggregation of imogolite nanotubes form potential of mean force interactions,” Molecular Physics, 117(22), 3445-3455.
  8. Kasama, K., Whittle A.J., & Kitazume, M. (2019) “Effect of spatial variability on the bearing capacity under inclined load of block-type cement-treated ground,” Soils and Foundations, 59, 2125-2143,
  9. Gorini, D.N., Whittle, A.J. & Callisto, L. (2020) “Ultimate limit states of bridge abutments,” ASCE Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering, 146(7), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002283.
  10. Chen, J., Dong, Y. & Whittle, A.J. (2020) “Prediction and evaluation of size effects for surface footings on sand,” ASCE Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering, 146(5), 0402022, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002237.
  11. Whittle, A.J. (2020) “Reflections on the importance of small strain non-linearity in soils,” Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS &AGGSEA, 51(3), 12p. (invited paper for Burland Special Issue). ISSN 0046-5828
  12. Gorini, D.N., Callisto, L. & Whittle A.J. (2020) “An inertial macro-element for bridge abutments,” Géotechnique,
  13. Du, J., Whittle, A.J., Hu, L., Divoux, T., Meegoda, J.N. (2021) “Characterization of meso-scale mechanical properties of Longmaxi shale using grid-microindentation experiments,” Journal of Rock Mechanics & Geotechnical Engineering,
  14. Zymnis, D. & Whittle, A.J. (2020) “Geotechnical considerations in the design of borehole heat exchangers in clay,” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, .
  15. Yuan, Y.X. & Whittle, A.J. (2021a) “Formulation of a new elastoviscoplastic model for time-dependent behavior of clay,” International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 45(6), 843-864
  16. Yuan, Y.X. & Whittle, A.J. (2021b) “Calibration and validation of a new elastoviscoplastic soil model,” International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 45(5), 700-716.
  17. Gorini, D.N., Callisto, L., & Whittle, A.J. (2021) “Dominant responses of bridge abutments,” Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering, 148, 106723,
  18. Martello, M.V., Whittle, A.J. & Keenan, J.M. (2021) “Evaluation of engineering resilience for rail rapid transit network in Boston,” Transportation Research: Part D, 97, 10298.
  19. Nikolinakou, M.A., Whittle, A.J., Germaine, J.T. & Zhang, G. (2021) “Consolidation properties and structural alteration of Old Alluvium,” Acta Geotechnica,
  20. Nikolinakou, M.A., & Whittle, A.J. (2021) “Constitutive model of structural alteration and swelling behavior for Old Alluvium,” Engineering Geology, 10637.

Environmental Sensing and Water Distribution

  1. Taylor, D.D.J., Whittle, A.J. & Slocum A.H. (2018) “Analytic scaling relations to evaluate leakage and intrusion in intermittent water supply systems,” PLOS ONE, 13(5): e0196887, 22p,
  2. Taylor D.D.J., Slocum, A.H. & Whittle, A.J. (2019) “Demand satisfaction as a framework for understanding intermittent water supply systems,” Water Resources Research, 10.1029/2018WR024124, 21p.
  3. Wei, S., Yin T., Dissegna, M.A., Whittle, A.J., Ow G.L.F, Mohd, M.L., Lauret, N., Gastellu-Etchegorry, J.P. (2020) “An assessment study of three indirect methods for estimating leaf area density and leaf area index of individual trees,” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 292-293, 108101. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108101
  4. Kitajima, M., Cruz, M.C., Williams, R.B.H., Wuertz, S. & Whittle, A.J. (2020) “Microbial abundance and community composition in biofilms on in-pipe sensors in drinking water distribution systems,” Science of the Total Environment,
  5. Wojnowski, W., Wei, S, Li, W., Yin, T., Li, X., Ow G.L.F., Yusoff, M.L.M., and Whittle, A.J. (2021) “Comparison of absorbed and intercepted fractions of PAR for individual trees based on RTM simulations,” Remote Sensing, 13(6), 1069.
  6. Meyer, D.D.J., Khari, J., Whittle, A.J., & Slocum, A.H. (2021) “Consumer pumps in intermittent water supply: the effects and feasibility of their removal,” Water Research-X, 10(12), 100107.