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Benedetto Marelli

Benedetto Marelli


  • B.Eng. Biomedical Engineering 2005, Politecnico di Milano
  • M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering, 2008, Politecnico di Milano
  • Ph.D. Materials Engineering, 2011, McGill University
  • Postdoctoral Scholar, 2012-2015, SilkLab, Tufts University

Research Interests

Benedetto (Ben) Marelli’s research group works in the area of structural biopolymers, biomineralization and self-assembly. By using biofabrication strategies, the research group designs bio-inspired materials that work at the biotic/abiotic interface to prevent or mitigate environmental impact. His interests and collaborative opportunities span widely across the department. He brings a wealth of experience, and a strong focus on engineering and innovation from a multiple-scale perspective with interests that include mechanical and optoelectronic properties of natural polymers, biocomposites, additive manufacturing, and emerging technologies.