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John Ochsendorf Receives Dual Faculty Appointment with CEE

Professor John Ochsendorf now holds a Dual Appointment in CEE and Architecture, and has relocated to the Pierce Laboratory. A structural engineer with multi-disciplinary interests, he conducts research on the mechanics and behavior of historical structures […]

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Dara Entekhabi Elected as IEEE Fellow

Professor Dara Entekhabi has been elected a Fellow of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) for contributions to microwave remote sensing of soil moisture. Less than 0.1% of voting members are selected annually for […]

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Exponentially Increasing Math Enthusiasm

MITxplore, a student-run outreach group led by graduate students Leon Dimas of CEE and Narges Kaynia of Mechanical Engineering, will host an on-campus Math Day on November 23 for fourth to sixth graders. Dimas said, “We […]

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Art and Science of Spider Webs

In their recent presentation at the MIT Museum, “Reverberations: Spiders and Musical Webs,” Professor Markus Buehler and Tomás Saraceno, Visiting Artist at the MIT Center for Art, Science and Technology, discussed their research in materials and […]

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Students Star in Shakespeare’s Othello

The MIT Shakespeare Ensemble’s recent production of Othello featured senior Majdolene Khweis as the duplicitous Iago, and junior Samantha Harper as the title character, re-imagined as a respected champion boxer with ties to the criminal underworld […]

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Applications Due for Marvin E. Goody Award

Students who expect to complete an SM or MEng degree in June 2015 are invited to apply for the $5,000 Marvin E. Goody Award. The thesis proposal must address at least one of these stated aims:extending […]

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Developing the Officer Collier Memorial

Work recently began for a permanent memorial to honor MIT police officer Sean Collier, who was killed on campus while serving the MIT community in April 2013, Professor John Ochsendorf and his Masonry Research Group have […]

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