scientist Dr. Judah Cohen collaborated with Professor of Biological Engineering Ernest Fraenkel, two Stanford University PhD students and a Microsoft researcher in a Subseasonal Climate Forecast Rodeo Competition and won first place in 3 out of […]
scientist Dr. Judah Cohen collaborated with Professor of Biological Engineering Ernest Fraenkel, two Stanford University PhD students and a Microsoft researcher in a Subseasonal Climate Forecast Rodeo Competition and won first place in 3 out of […]
Research from Professor Elfatih Eltahir and former postdoc Ross Alter was featured in Science Magazine. The news article about the CEE study, entitled “The United States’s Corn Belt is making its own weather,” discusses how agriculture had a […]
Research from Professor Elfatih Eltahir and former postdoc Ross Alter shows that intensive agriculture has an impact on summer climate in the Midwestern United States. Eltahir and Alter demonstrated that there was a significant empirical association […]
[fusion_text]The CEE New Research Reception, held on October 26, brought together CEE alumni, friends and community members to hear about updates on the department and new research initiatives. The event featured research presentations from Professor Oral […]
A new study from Breene M. Kerr Professor of Hydrology and Climate Elfatih Eltahir and postdoc Mohamed Siam shows that the flow of the Nile River will experience greater variability, including more droughts and floods, as […]
[fusion_text]“How can we reduce the environmental damage that agriculture so often causes and support the livelihood of farmers, all while continuing to feed the growing world population?” This question was central to the winning entry at […]
[fusion_text]New research by Bacardi Stockholm Water Foundations Professor Dara Entekhabi and a team of researchers found that extreme precipitation is expected to increase in California due to Earth’s warming climate. The researchers studied large-scale atmospheric features […]
From June 13 to 17, 2016, the CEE department and the MIT Professional Education program will be offering a new short course, Agriculture, Innovation, and the Environment. The instructors include Professors Robert S. Langer, Martin Polz, […]
Kelsey Damrad Civil and Environmental Engineering Sixth Annual CEE Research Speed Dating showcases research to promote collaboration Approaching a global challenge from the bottom up often results in transformative large-scale impact. Such is the theme that […]
School of Engineering Environmental management approaches may be key in combating mosquito-borne infectious diseases. Like many engineers at MIT, Elfatih A. B. Eltahir builds models. But his models, numerically heavy and integrating satellite, atmospheric, and field […]
Do you have ideas for what the world should do about climate change? Join us for the Environmental Solutions Initiative (ESI) and Climate Co-Lab 2016 IAP Hackathon for Climate event on Jan. 29 from 9 am-5pm in […]
From Nov. 13-14, an MIT Water Club team hosted their annual Water Summit, which resulted in a vibrant discussion of how realities like a changing climate, population growth, rapid development, and pervasive urbanization provide an unprecedented […]
Kelsey Damrad Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor in civil and environmental engineering and earth, atmospheric and planetary sciences will be honored at an awards ceremony in December. Colette Heald, the Mitsui Career Development Associate Professor […]
Recent Global Temperature Trends: What do they tell us about anthropogenic climate change? By Jochem Marotzke Max-Planck Institut Für Meteorologie Wednesday, April 15, 2015 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Wong Auditorium, in the Tang Center, E51-115 (map) Sponsored […]
As part of the MIT Climate Conversation Committee’s series of events, Dr. Larry Linden SM ’70 & PhD ’76 spoke on January 21 about the experiences and transformation that led him to launch an effort to […]