As chair of the Committee on the MIT Climate Change Conversation, Professor Roman Stocker recently summarized the committee’s charge, its progress to date, and its next steps. “The premise of the committee is that the complexity […]
As chair of the Committee on the MIT Climate Change Conversation, Professor Roman Stocker recently summarized the committee’s charge, its progress to date, and its next steps. “The premise of the committee is that the complexity […]
The Spektrum TV channel in Hungary recently interviewed Professor Marta Gonzalez for a documentary about Albert-Laszlo Barabasi’s book, Bursts: The Hidden Patterns Behind Everything We do, from your E-mail to Bloody Crusades. For the segment about […]
At freshman pre-orientation(FPOP)in August, Course 1 hosted a group of 20 new students interested in the department. Led by undergraduates Beth Garcia and Julia Hogroian and assisted by several excellent undergraduate mentors, the week’s activities blended […]
The 550,000 miles of undersea fiber-optic cables that transmit e-mail and other data around the world are typically unfurled from large spools on ships. A rip or tangle anywhere can lead to transmission glitches and data […]
Professor Marta Gonzalez recently spoke in Lucca, Italy in conjunction with ECCS ’14 (the European Conference on Complex Systems), a major international gathering devoted to complex systems and interdisciplinary science. She presented two papers on the […]
At MIT, hackathons – the idea of bringing people in with a myriad of backgrounds and expertise together to creatively solve problems and innovate – is implicit in our culture as an institution. Sustainability and environmental […]
In the creativity and innovation of the chefs at Mugaritz, one of the world’s top restaurants, Professor Pedro Reis recognized a strong resemblance to research in the EGS.Lab (Elasticity, Geometry & Statistics Laboratory). The EGS.Lab works […]
Cephalopods such as octopuses and squid can quickly change both the color and texture of their skin to blend into their surroundings, a capability that engineers have long struggled to duplicate in synthetic materials. In a […]
On August 2, CEE’s Innovation@ONE Boot Camp and Business Plan Pitch Breakfast brought together eight teams of students and postdocs who presented business ideas to a panel of successful entrepreneurs. The new company concepts ranged from […]
Professor Roman Stocker will chair the new Committee on the MIT Climate Change Conversation, which will seek broad input from the Institute on how the US and world can most effectively address global climate change. The […]
Professor Xuanhe Zhao now holds a joint appointment with CEE and Mechanical Engineering, where he is advancing fundamental knowledge of interfaces between solid mechanics, soft materials, and bioinspired design. His research goals include understanding and designing […]
Scientists will soon gain new insights into how the Earth system’s three major cycles – energy, water and carbon – are linked over global land regions. NASA’s Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite mission, scheduled to […]
During National Postdoc Appreciation Week in September, about 30 CEE postdoctoral scholars representing different research areas gathered for lunch and were greeted by Department head Markus Buehler. Professor John Williams and research scientist Abel Sanchez PhD […]
This past summer Holly Josephs ’16 spent two months in Ghana, funded by the MIT Public Service Center, helping design a rainwater harvesting tank made from plastic bags. The bags can store enough water during the […]
Tackling some of the world’s hardest problems, four CEE students participated in winning teams in the 2014 MIT IDEAS Global Challenge. Now three appear in a video briefly describing their projects: Sidhant Pai ’14 and Katie […]