Assistant Professor Desiree Plata and the Nepf Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab were featured in a video from the Environmental Solutions Initiative (ESI). The video gives an overview of ESI at MIT and announces the environmental sustainability […]
Assistant Professor Desiree Plata and the Nepf Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab were featured in a video from the Environmental Solutions Initiative (ESI). The video gives an overview of ESI at MIT and announces the environmental sustainability […]
By Amy Vogel ‘20 This past month has been absolutely amazing. Last Friday was the last day of my externship at Terreform, so I thought I would highlight my top five experiences at the externship. 5) […]
Research from Professor Oral Buyukozturk, research scientist Kunal Kupwade-Patil and junior Stephanie Chin shows that using volcanic ash in place of traditional cement can reduce the embodied energy that goes into manufacturing concrete. Chin has been […]
By Amy Vogel ‘20 The less glamorous, but equally important, measure of an energy system is what happens when it fails. The Blackout of 1965 was the first time that the entirety of the Con Ed […]
By Amy Vogel ‘20 New York City has a bunch of so-called “peakers,” power plants that are designed for use only in dire circumstances. Typically, peakers are only powered on during the hottest days of the […]
Research from Professor Markus Buehler and the Laboratory for Atomistic and Molecular Mechanics on subnanometer-scale channels was featured on the cover of the February issue of Nature Materials. The research modeled the mechanisms of molybdenum disulfide, […]
By Amy Vogel ’20 At this point I’ve been living it up in the “Big Apple” for just over two weeks. I’m here doing an externship at Terreform, a small urban design/research firm in the West […]
The MIT Refugee Action (ReACT) Certificate Program, created by Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Career Development Professor Admir Masic, launched its first cohort of participants in Jordan. The participants will complete a year-long blended-learning program focused […]
Professor Martin Polz and postdoctoral associate Kathryn Kauffman have discovered a new type of virus that is representative of the uncharacterized majority of viruses in the ocean. Named Autolykiviridae after a character from Greek mythology who […]
Graduate student Tianli Zhou of the Interdepartmental Transportation Program was profiled on MIT News for his research into vehicle sharing services. Zhou and Evan Fields, a PhD candidate in MIT’s Operations Research Center, used data from […]
Research from Professor Martin Polz, in collaboration with Professor Eric Alm, shows that microbial communities in the ocean are able to form despite rapidly varying conditions in a coastal environment, but that these communities demonstrate high […]
Hi! My name is Grace. I’m a junior studying civil engineering and this past fall I studied abroad in Hong Kong at the University of Hong Kong. It was one of the most exciting places I’ve […]
By Mikayla Murphy ’18 During IAP, Course 1 students often scatter across the globe, from TREX in Hawaii to mini-UROP in Cambridge. This IAP, six other MIT students and I are doing something new: spending two […]
Research from Colette Heald, Associate Professor and Associate Department Head of CEE, research scientist David Ridley and Professor Jesse Kroll, shows that the Clean Air Act saved more lives than initially estimated by the U.S. Environmental […]
Graduate student Justin Montgomery was invited to speak at the Energy Forecasting Forum, a monthly lecture series by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Montgomery and Francis O’Sullivan, the Director of Research for the MIT Energy […]