Associate Professor Xuanhe Zhao created soft, 3-D-printed structures whose movements can be controlled with a wave of a magnet and can crawl, roll, jump, and snap together. A potential application of the technology is to use […]
Associate Professor Xuanhe Zhao created soft, 3-D-printed structures whose movements can be controlled with a wave of a magnet and can crawl, roll, jump, and snap together. A potential application of the technology is to use […]
[fusion_text]CEE Professors Lydia Bourouiba, Markus Buehler, Daniel Cziczo, Benjamin Kocar, Chandra Madramootoo, Benedetto Marelli and Dennis McLaughlin each presented on their research and fielded questions from industry practitioners as part of an MIT Professional Education short […]
[fusion_text]CEE students and researchers often use their studies to make a large impact around the country and around the globe. Innovation@ONE brought together a panel of entrepreneurial alumni and faculty to judge the business pitch competition. […]
On a global stage, MIT helps steer architecture toward solving worldwide challenges. At the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale, opening Saturday, architects and designers have responded to a charge to “report from the front” on major challenges […]
Develop and pitch your technology, product, or service aimed at solving a water-related problem to the 2016 MIT Water Innovation Prize for the chance to win $30,000 worth of innovation grants. The short statement of intent […]
On November 20, CEE will host a conference that explores diverse economic opportunities and market-driven responses to the challenges facing large-scale infrastructure projects. In collaboration with MIT’s Industrial Liaison Program, join the leaders from industry, academia, and […]
The MIT Forum for Supply Chain Innovation, founded by CEE Professor David Simchi-Levi, has recently announced the launch of a manufacturing innovation consortium. According to the team spearheading this initiative, the consortium will unite members of the […]